Home Garden

Why Is My Frigidaire Model WDL-L-0 Washer Leaking From the Bottom?

The Frigidaire Model WDL-L-0 washer is a top loading washing machine that can have the same type of bottom leaks as other washer models. While the leak may be the result of the operator’s actions, it is also something that can occur with regular usage. You do not need to be a plumber or washing machine expert to determine the cause of the leak and get it stopped.
  1. Too Many Suds

    • If you use too much laundry detergent in the washer, it can result in leaks. This is because the excess detergent creates an oversudsing problem in the washer. When this occurs, the excess suds have nowhere to go and you get a leak. Usually the leak starts out the back air vent and then flows under the washer onto your laundry room floor. This can also happen when you use the suggested amount of detergent but have soft water in your home. Using less detergent is how to stop this type of leak.

    Fill Hose Connection

    • Water is delivered into the washer by fill hoses that connect to the back of the washer and the wall water faucets. If the connection of these hoses is not secure, it results in a leak. Usually the leak originates at the loose connection and drips down and then under the washer, which makes it appear as if the bottom of the washer is leaking. You can visually inspect the hose connections to look for dripping water. If the connections are loose, you can tighten them with either pliers or a wrench.

    Drain Hose Connection

    • The drain hose for the washer is connected to the machine on the back of it. If the hose is not secure or becomes loose over time, your washer can leak water from the bottom during the drain portion of the cycle. You can move the washer so that you can see behind it and inspect the drain hose connection. It should be secured via the drain hose hook. If it is loose and you do not have the hook, you can push it into place and secure with waterproof tape to stop the leak.

    Household Floor Drain/Standpipe

    • The washer in your home either drains via a floor drain or the standpipe. When the washer drains, it processes 17 gallons of water per minute, which means your floor drain or standpipe must be able to handle that much water. If it is slow or clogged, you end up with a leak under the washer during the drain cycle. You can try a home drain cleaner product to clear it or you can use the services of a plumber to get it clear and stop the leak.