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Whirlpool Duet Stops Running in Cycle

Hearing your washer stop mid-cycle can cause a little panic, especially if you have a lot of laundry piling up. If you experience this with your Whirlpool Duet washer, the cause may be something you can fix on your own. A little troubleshooting can help you determine what is to blame so you can fix it and resume doing laundry.
  1. Power Cord

    • If the washer’s power cord is loose in the power outlet, it can result in the machine stopping during a wash cycle. The power cord must be secure in a grounded three-prong outlet. Give the power cord a push to confirm it is securely in the wall outlet. If it was not loose, the cause of your problem is something else.

    Blown Fuse or Tripped Breaker

    • If your power has gone out, blinked or gotten a short, it can cause the washer to stop running. Usually this happens because a fuse blows or a circuit breaker trips. Checking out your household fuse box or breaker box can confirm if this is the cause of the washer stopping. If so, reset the breaker or replace the fuse.

    Extension Cord Use

    • Unplug any extension cords you have in use with the washer. Using an extension cord with the washer is not recommended by the manufacturer. In fact, it can cause the machine to stop during the cycle. If you are using an extension cord, plug the washer directly into a power outlet instead.

    Household Electrical Problem

    • If your washer continues to stop and blow a fuse or trip a breaker, the cause of your problem may be a household electrical one. It is also possible that the wall outlet for your washer is no longer working properly, also a household electrical issue. Test the wall outlet by plugging in something else to see if it works. If it does not, you have a problem with the outlet. If you suspect an electrical problem may be to blame for the washer stopping, consult an electrician.