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Frigidaire Affinity Washer Makes a Whining Sound

During the lifetime of a Frigidaire Affinity washing machine, a variety of noises can occur. This includes scraping, whining, rattling and thumping. When the whining sound presents itself, it may be something simple you can fix, or it might be indicative of a more serious problem. Troubleshooting allows you to determine the cause and attempt to implement a solution.
  1. During Spin Cycle

    • If your washer is only making the whining sound during the spin cycle, the noise is likely just a normal one the machine makes. The noise is a result of the motor increasing its speed. Frigidaire describes the sound as a high-pitched, jet engine whine.

    Not Level

    • When installed, the legs of the washer should have been adjusted so the machine sits level. Over time, the washer legs may become uneven and cause the washer to be not level, which can create a lot of noise. Commonly, the noise manifests in rattles and vibrations. However, if the vibrations are causing the washer to move slightly across the floor, it may create a whining sound, such as on a concrete floor. Consult your Frigidaire Affinity installation guide for instructions on leveling the washer's legs.


    • Metal pieces can come from your laundry and cause obstructions in the washer. Foreign objects can result in a variety of noises, including a whining sound. Commonly, a whining sound happens when a bra wire becomes lodged in one of the holes of the washer tub. As the washer is in use, the wire scrapes the inside of the drum, and a metallic whining noise results. Look and feel around the washer tub for a piece of wire or other metal object sticking out of one of the holes. If you find one, carefully remove it.

    Internal Components

    • If you cannot see anything to attribute the whining sound to, the source may be an internal component. For instance, if a motor bearing is worn out, it creates a high-pitched whining sound. A badly worn belt can also create a similar sound. Unless you are an appliance professional, it may be safest to consult with a service technician because the machine will need to be taken apart, which can reveal sharp, dangerous pieces.