Home Garden

How to Fix a Ruined Dryer Vent Pipe

For most people, the purpose of a dryer vent pipe is pretty obvious -- venting hot, moist air out of the laundry room. Vent pipes are available in three general categories: rigid metal pipe, expandable aluminum ducting or flexible layered aluminum ducting. As all three options are manufactured to be inexpensive, each is somewhat fragile, and therefore, it doesn't take much to crush, split or otherwise damage a pipe. You can try to fix a damaged pipe with duct tape, but the heat and moisture will require to regularly reapply the tape. Given that each type of pipe is inexpensive, it's better to simply replace the pipe.


    • 1

      Unplug the dryer and pull the unit away from the wall. If it's warm from recent use, allow the dryer to cool before attempting repairs.

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      Unhook the plastic or metal clips securing the pipe to the dryer vent and the vent to the outdoors. If the bracket securing the pipe in place is more involved than a simple clip, refer to the instructions for the installed kit to remove the brackets.

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      Slide the pipe off both vent outlets.

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      Slide the new pipe onto the outdoors vent and secure it in place with a retaining clip. You may need to stretch the vent pipe slightly to get it to fit over the vent. Repeat this process to connect the vent pipe to the dryer vent.

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      Slide the dryer back into place, plug the unit back in and turn it on to check for air leaks that indicate a loose connection.