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Top Loading Infusion Washing Machines

The interior of a traditional top loading washing machine is very different to the interior of an infusion top loader, which is designed to be economical in water usage. Traditional washers have a tall agitator in the center of the tub. The agitator moves laundry around in the detergent solution to clean it, and in the rinse water to remove all traces of soap. In an infusion washer, the infusor covers much of the bottom of the tub and its height is less than half a traditional agitator's. The sides of an infusor tub are lined with fill holes, arranged in columns on two levels, one above the other.
  1. Important Guidelines

    • Like traditional top loaders, infusion washers come in different sized models. However, there are several guidelines you must be adhere to, no matter how large the washtub is. Infusion washers have a very low fill level, so if they are used incorrectly, the quality of the wash is reduced.

    HE Detergent

    • Only high-efficiency detergent is used in an infusion washing machine, and the detergent is placed in the washtub before the laundry. This is important to ensure good performance. An infusion washing machine uses much less water than a traditional top loader, but can take large loads. If you place the detergent on top of the laundry, it will not immediately be dissolved in the water taken in by the washer. It will stay out of the water until the infusor draws the top of the load towards the bottom of the washtub. This means the water will not contain detergent during part of the wash cycle.

    Loading an Infusion Washer

    • Infusion washers can cope with large loads, and can be filled right up to the top of the upper columns of fill holes. However, laundry must be positioned so that the blue top of the infusor can always be uncovered, to work efficiently.This does not mean laundry has to be pressed tight against the sides of the washer, but you must be able to see the top of the infusor when you look toward the base of the tub.

    Water Pressure

    • Infusion washers operate with a timed fill. This means the water pressure in your home must be high enough for the machine to take in adequate water during the fill period. The washtub rotates during the fill, to ensure all items are sprayed with water. This is an important part of the infusion wash process and will not happen if the lid is not securely closed.


    • Top loading infusion washers are environmentally friendly, in that they use much less water than traditional washing machines. However, to get the best results, users must follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter. Before purchasing one, find out the level of water pressure it requires, and check you can achieve this in your home.