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What Are the Causes of Washing Machine Leaks With Rusty Water Coming Up?

A washing machine that is leaking rusty water may be suffering from one of several distinct problems. A leaking washing machine can be due to a misaligned door, damaged seal or problematic drain line. A washing machine with rusty water may have suffered damage to the paint in the drum or you may have water that contains too much iron. Narrowing down the causes means checking a few potential issues.
  1. Iron in the Water Supply

    • If your washing machine is leaking rusty water and the water seems to be rusty when it enters the machine through the water lines, you have two separate problems. Something is causing your machine to leak water, such as a leaking seal, and your water supply contains too much iron. Clothes can become rust stained when the municipal or well water supply contains high quantities of iron. Have your water tested and, if necessary, place a filter in the water lines before they reach the washing machine in order to eliminate excess iron deposits.

    Inlet Valve Problems

    • The inlet valve is a small port that allows hot and cold water to enter into the drum during the rinse and soak cycles. These valves typically have small screens that prevent pieces of debris from passing through from the water lines into the washing machine. Over time, these screens or the valves themselves can become rusted. Consult your user manual for information regarding gaining access to the inlet valve, which should be located in the back of the machine, behind the drum. Repair or replace the inlet valve if it is found to be defective. Consider soaking the valve in a commercial rust remover before replacing it entirely.

    Rusty Water in the Standpipe

    • The standpipe is the tall pipe that the washing machine drains into. Modern standpipes are made of aluminum or stainless steel, but older pipes were made of iron or steel. Over time, these pipes can rust and decay. If your drain is clogged, water may be sitting in the standpipe or drain pipe and overflowing back into your machine, tinted the color of rust. Eliminate the clog in the standpipe or drain and consider replacing the rusted pipe before you have a more serious leak on your hands.

    Drum Damage

    • A final source of rusty water in a washing machine can be the drum itself. A washing machine drum is made of steel coated in paint or porcelain. If this protective coating comes off, the steel will rapidly oxidize and rust, leaving discolorations on your clothes and rusty water in the drum. Inspect your washing machine drum for signs of damage and contact an authorized repair center for your particular brand and model for more information on repainting or replacing the drum.