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Kenmore Elite Refrigerator Ice Maker Shoot Will Not Close

If your Kenmore Elite ice maker chute can't close, you can't use the chute to obtain ice from the freezer. This is an inconvenience, but not a major problem. Troubleshooting the clogged chute takes a few minutes -- and the major cause can be prevented with routine maintenance.
  1. Symptoms

    • If your ice maker chute will not close, something is preventing the flap from closing. The most likely cause of this is stuck ice. If you don't use freezer ice fast enough, the ice can melt and fuse. A large block of ice jams the chute, preventing closure. Ice cubes jammed in the ice crushers can also cause chute problems in the crushed ice mode, since ice will not be dispensed until the jam is cleared.


    • Infrequent use isn't the only cause of stuck ice. If your freezer door was left ajar, the warmer air flowing in can melt ice into a clump. Warm temperatures inside the freezer from a power outage or from an adjustment to the temperature control can also cause melting, stuck ice. Your freezer needs to be at or below 5 degrees Fahrenheit to make and store ice. Adjust the temperature setting on your Kenmore Elite if necessary and always close the freezer door fully to keep the ice maker working properly.


    • Cleaning out the ice chute typically removes the clog so the chute can close. First, open the freezer and look inside the ice chute, located on your freezer door. You may see a block if ice inside. Second, remove the clump with your fingers or a plastic utensil. This should clear the chute. Third, wet a washcloth under hot water. Carefully wipe out the inside of the chute with the hot cloth to melt any accumulated ice. Fourth, dry the chute with a clean cloth so that new ice does not form.


    • Prevent clumps of ice from clogging the chute by checking the ice bin approximately every two weeks. Shake the ice bin inside the freezer to manually break apart clumped ice or pull out ice chunks and dispose of them. When cleaning out a stuck ice chute, do not use anything metal. This will damage the chute.