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What Causes a Bad Smell in the Back of a Fridge?

Bad smells coming from either behind or the back of a refrigerator have a variety of causes. Do not ignore unpleasant odors, since they might indicate a potential safety or health concern, depending on the exact cause. In most cases, you can resolve the problem yourself.
  1. Mold

    • The growth of mold on the wall behind a refrigerator can sometimes account for bad odors emanating from the back of the appliance. For example, a loose water connection to the refrigerator can release moisture into the room, causing mold to form. Once you have identified mold as the source of the smell, take action immediately to halt its expansion. Discover and repair the source of any leaks, and clean the mold with a disinfectant, such as bleach or hydrogen peroxide. If the mold has permeated any drywall, the drywall will need to be replaced.


    • The area underneath the refrigerator is a common source of bad odors, as liquids or food might remain there when a spill happens. Since moving a refrigerator to completely dispose of any dropped food or drink is difficult, partial cleanups may occur. Fans located under the refrigerator can exacerbate the problem. When you can't discover the source of a bad odor, move the refrigerator out of its spot, and check behind it thoroughly.


    • A refrigerator's drain pan, often accessed through a panel on the back, may cause bad odors. The pan collects excess moisture from the refrigerator and might have mold growth and foul odors. Check and empty the drain pan regularly. Another possible source of odor from the back of a refrigerator, the compressor, can overheat and give off a burning smell, which is sometimes heightened by the dust that collects at the back of the appliance. If you suspect a faulty compressor, consult a repair professional.

    Spoiled Food

    • Spoiled food at the back of the refrigerator will produce unpleasant odors. For example, meat at the back of a meat bin might go uncooked for too long and surpass its expiration date. A power outage or drop in the refrigerator's temperature can also cause food to spoil. Use all foods before they have a chance to ruin, and check your refrigerator regularly for any food that might have gone bad. After removing the food, place a box of baking soda in the refrigerator to help eliminate any lingering odor.