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My Refrigerator Compressor Overheats

A compressor is an integral part of any refrigerator, helping to maintain low temperatures inside the refrigerator by playing an important role in the relationship between warm and cold air in the appliance's cooling system. Overheating is a common problem with refrigerator compressors, leading to hazards such as electrical fires or rapidly warming temperatures in the unit. Two overarching reasons for compressor overheating exist: refrigeration problems and electrical problems.
  1. Compressors

    • Refrigerators create cold temperatures through the rapid expansion of a warm gas. As they cool, the chemicals in a fridge move from a gaseous to liquid state. This liquid remains very cold and helps maintain low temperatures in the appliance. The compressor converts the cold liquid in a fridge to a warm gas, which then cools to form a cold liquid once more. Through this cycle, refrigerators create a constant supply of cold air. The temperature inside the compressor remains very high because it creates very warm gas.

    Refrigeration Overheating

    • Overheating results from a problem with the refrigeration system of the appliance. All the elements of a refrigeration system are set in the factory during manufacture. If one part of this system is set to the wrong temperature or pressure, it can offset it entirely, resulting in problems such as an overheated compressor. Setting too high a compression ratio, for instance, overburdens it, causing the compressor to overheat. Improper installation of parts can also lead to an overheated compressor. The most common cause of refrigeration overheating arises from improper airflow around the compressor -- this prevents the compressor from cooling after compressing liquids to warm gases.

    Electrical Overheating

    • Electrical overheating results from problems in the electrical current running through a compressor. For instance, if the watt or volt output of your outlet does not match that required from your fridge, it causes serious problems. Too much electricity can overheat a compressor and even cause it to blow. Too little electricity can result in uneven performance, which often results in overheating. Electricity requirements vary from fridge to fridge – always check requirements before plugging in a fridge.

    Fixing the Problem

    • Various methods of fixing compressor overheating exist. Always call a service person as your first step. If overheating results from problems in the refrigeration, a service person can easily fix this problem by adjusting settings or fixing improperly installed parts. If overheating results arises from electrical problems, plug your fridge into a different outlet with appropriate power output or contact a local utilities provider. Remember, as with all mechanical parts, some compressors simply get old a die. If this happens, you can purchase and install a replacement compressor.