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How to Get Rust Stain Out of Refrigerator Vents

Rust, the more common name of iron oxide, is formed when iron reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere or in water. Refrigerator vents may be made of metal or plastic. Any rust stains found on plastic vents were formed by rust rubbing off from another item onto the surface, as plastic is incapable of rusting. In most cases, the stains on plastic refrigerator vents are created by rusty screws but any contact with a rusty object could potentially create these stains.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Bowl
  • Dish-washing liquid
  • Sponge
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Spoon
  • Blunt knife or rubber spatula
  • Pumice stone (optional)
  • Paint for plastics (optional)
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      Use a screwdriver to loosen the screws along the edge of the vent. Remove the vent. Discard any rusty screws.

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      Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of dish-washing liquid to create a soapy mixture. Dip a sponge in the soapy water and clean the vent to remove any dust and grime. Rinse it with clean water. Dry the vent with a cloth.

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      Add two parts salt and one part lemon juice in a bowl. Mix the salt and juice with a spoon until it forms a paste.

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      Spread the paste over the rust stains on the vent with a blunt knife or rubber spatula. Allow the paste to sit for at least 30 minutes.

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      Wipe the paste off the vent using a wet sponge. Most of the rust should come off during this step. Proceed to the next step if there are some lingering stains.

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      Soak a pumice stone in warm water and rub it on any remaining stain if you have a metal vent. If the vent is plastic, you can paint over any traces of stain. Choose a paint designed for use on plastics. The paint will cover the stain completely and there is no risk of structural compromise.