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Does Outside Temperature Affect Refrigerator Performance?

Refrigerators are among the most common and heavily used kitchen appliances. According to California's Consumer Energy Center, refrigerators and household freezers constitute around 17 percent of all household energy use. While many factors contribute to refrigerator performance, the temperature outside is one of them. Even though you can't control the weather, you can take steps to help your refrigerator run efficiently regardless of the temperature.
  1. Temperature's Role

    • A refrigerator's thermostat measures the temperature inside and engages the cooling mechanism when it rises above a certain point. As the outside temperature rises, even a well insulated refrigerator will warm up inside more quickly. If the refrigerator door has gaps in its seal or the fridge walls use low quality insulation, the impact of warm weather will be even greater. A refrigerator that runs properly will be able to maintain a consistent internal temperature, but warm weather will make it run more often and consume more energy.


    • Besides outside temperature, humidity has an affect on fridge performance. This is because moisture in the air carries heat better than the air itself. If your refrigerator is against an exterior wall or near an open window, warm, humid air entering your home will make the refrigerator run more often. Humidity can increase and impact fridge performance even if you use an air conditioner to keep your home cool.

    Improving Performance

    • There are several steps you can take to improve refrigerator performance when outside temperatures rise. Keep your kitchen cool by using window shades, oven vents and an air conditioner. This will improve efficiency and performance. Position your refrigerator away from walls, especially exterior walls, to allow air to circulate for best performance. Finally, don't overfill your refrigerator since this can prevent air from circulating inside properly, thereby decreasing its performance.

    Related Performance Factors

    • Getting the best performance from a refrigerator starts by selecting a high quality refrigerator with good insulation and a door that seals tightly. High efficiency models rely on modern compressors and condensers to run without using as much electricity as older models. When the outside temperature is high, be mindful of how often you open your fridge, since each time you open the door, you allow humid air inside and let cold air escape.