Home Garden

My GE Fridge Is Stuck on Crushed Ice

Several models of GE refrigerator come with an ice dispenser that produces different types of ice and sometimes ice water. Still, this convenient item does nothing for the homeowner when it malfunctions. A problem with the icemaker is traceable to several possible causes and, in the case of an icemaker stuck on crushed ice, may involve several moving parts.
  1. Last Setting Was Crushed

    • Occasionally a small amount of crushed ice will eject from the icemaker, even though the icemaker control is set to cubed. If crushed ice comes out immediately after activating the system, check that it isn’t excess crushed ice from the last time the icemaker was used. Ice stored in the ice tray after crushing can sometimes remain frozen in crushed form.

    Control Panel Error

    • If the ice is coming out crushed consistently, no matter what the setting, the problem may stem from the control panel. This panel activates and deactivates different apparatus and tells the refrigerator when to crush or simply eject cubes. An error or malfunction on the control panel can leave the crush action activated all the time. On GE refrigerators, the control panel is a computerized system that requires specialized tools and knowledge for repair. Contact a service professional for repair or replacement options.

    Ice Mold Heater

    • Crushed ice that comes out wet and of inconsistent size may occur not from the crushed ice setting but from hollow and malformed cubes that break apart on the way down. Cubes like this come from an overactive ice mold heater. The ice mold heater heats the cubes of ice, lubricating their surface with the melt water and making them eject more easily. If the heater is on too long, the cubes can become brittle, hollow and partially melted. They break up as they travel down the dispenser.

    Water Filter

    • GE refrigerators that feature dispensers also feature water filters to eliminate calcium deposits and other debris that can give a bad taste or appearance to the ice. Especially in systems with hard water, this filter can overload if not changed regularly. The result is less water in the ice tray during freezing and, as with an ice mold heater error, irregular and brittle cubes that break apart on their way down the dispenser. Change the filter cartridge to solve this problem.