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Deep Scratches on a Platinum Steel Refrigerator

Deep surface scratches create a serious blight in the appearance of a platinum steel refrigerator. Because any fillers used on a steel refrigerator surface are generally visible after repair, when deep scratches mar the steel face, you should rub out the scratches instead of filling them in to get an unmarred finish.
  1. Preparing the Surface

    • When trying to remove deep scratches on a platinum steel refrigerator, don't cause additional damage to the surface. One simple, but effective, way to prepare a stainless steel refrigerator for buffing is to cover the area that surrounds the scratches with a thick tape, such as duct tape. Place the tape as close to the ends and sides of the scratches on the refrigerator as possible to make a border around the work area.

    Scour Pad

    • Even when the scratches on a platinum steel refrigerator appear deep, always try to remove the scratches by the least destructive means first. Before moving onto more abrasive products, try to buff the scratches form a platinum steel refrigerator with a scour pad. Apply firm pressure to the back of the pad to press it against the surface of the refrigerator and rub in a circular motion. Continue this technique for five minutes and inspect the scratch to see whether it appears smaller. If the buffing works, continue until the scratches disappear.


    • If a scouring pad fails to remove the deep scratches from a platinum steel refrigerator, you must move up the scale to increase the level of abrasiveness. Use a medium-grit sandpaper to buff the surface in the same way that you rubbed with the scouring pad. Similar to using a scour pad, continue rubbing in the same manner until the scratches disappear from the platinum steel refrigerator surface. If you’d like to save on the physical exertion, you can choose to use a mechanical buffing tool with a sanding wheel for this process.


    • After using medium-grit sandpaper on a platinum steel refrigerator, go over the surface again with extra fine-grit sandpaper to eliminate the small scratches produced by the sandpaper. Then, remove the tape from the refrigerator surface and wipe the refrigerator down with mineral spirits to take off the tape residue. Buff the surface once the scratches and tape residue have been removed with a dry cloth, rubbing in the same circular pattern until the surface shines.