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What Is Used to Seal Refrigerator Lines?

Refrigerators run on one of two types of refrigerant gases. In newer models, refrigerators use HFC-134a, while older models use what is commonly referred to as Freon. Both gases have to be sealed off in the lines where they are compressed and used to cool the unit. Sealing the refrigerants off in the lines is key to the compressor being able to do its job. Once the gases have been compressed, they are then allowed to expand. During this expansion process, the gases cool.
  1. System

    • Contrary to popular misconception, refrigerators do not typically leak Freon or HFC-134a. Many people assume that the failure of their refrigerator to cool properly has to do with a loss of refrigerant gases. In reality, though, the inability of a refrigerator to cool usually has to do with some other electrical or component issue. It is possible for the refrigerator to leak refrigerant, but this usually occurs after it has been serviced and has permanent service valves attached to the lines. These valves become leaky and allow the gases to leave the system. The only sealant used to keep refrigerant in the lines is the system itself that includes the gas lines and the compressor. These components are soldered together to comprise a closed system.


    • You can take a couple of steps to determine whether or not refrigerant gases are leaking from your refrigerator. Refrigerant gases are not known to have any long-term consequences on your health, but can cause you some short-term problems. If there is a gas leak, you should be able to smell it, but you may not want to go sniffing around your refrigerator per se. Refrigerant smells significantly different than oxygen and will be noticeable if it is leaking. As a precaution, put on a ventilation mask before you go poking around the back of the refrigerator. First, inspect the floor around the back of the fridge to see if there is any oily residue on the floor or the refrigerator itself. This will look like a combination of grease and water. You can also use a soap and water solution on the compressor and refrigerant lines. After unplugging the refrigerator, apply a small amount of the solution and look for air bubbles. This is the sign of a leak. However, be sure not to confuse air bubbles with soap bubbles.


    • Even though refrigerant is not likely to leak from your closed refrigerant compression system, you should have your system regularly checked to make sure it is maintaining its proper levels of gas. The Air Conditioning Contractors of America recommends an annual check for commercial air conditioning systems. Refrigerators need not be checked that often, but should be checked at least every other year if possible.


    • You should never attempt to add refrigerant to your refrigerator on your own. Instead, contact a qualified professional who is licensed and has all of the necessary equipment to add the necessary refrigerant to your system. Because Freon is known to have potentially harmful effects on the environment, you could be in violation of environmental protection laws if you attempt to go it on your own.