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My Refrigerator Fan Has a Vibrating Sound

A refrigerator will normally make some noise, but not produce a rattling or vibrating sound. A noisy refrigerator is more than just a nuisance; it could also indicate a fan problem that could damage other parts if not corrected. Your refrigerator fan may vibrate because the appliance isn't situated correctly, because the fan blades or motor are broken, or because it needs to be cleaned or maintained.
  1. Considerations

    • While your refrigerator contains insulating material to keep heat out of the cooling compartment, that insulation doesn't stop sound waves. It's normal for your refrigerator to produce some motor noise and other sounds as it operates. Machines with ice makers may periodically produce clunking or rattling noises. These sounds are all normal and do not indicate a problem with the refrigerator.

    Poor Installation

    • If your refrigerator is on an uneven floor, the fan may not operate correctly. A level surface allows the fan to spin freely, but an uneven surface can cause it to tilt slightly. This may keep the fan from working properly and cause it to produce a rattling or vibrating noise. To correct this problem, adjust your refrigerator's feet or place a small piece of wood or folded paper under the lowest corner to level the appliance.

    Damaged Fan Blades

    • When a fan blade develops a crack or other damage, it may flex or move in such a way as to collide with other components, producing a vibrating noise. This action can affect the fan's ability to cool the refrigerator compressor or motor. If the fan fails to function completely, these components can overheat and eventually fail. You will need to replace the damaged parts or have them replaced by a professional.

    Motor Failure

    • If your refrigerator fan motor is failing, it may begin to produce a groaning, chirping or squealing sound that's louder when the door is open. The fan blades may begin to vibrate, as well. You can't repair this part. Get a qualified repair professional to replace the problem motor.

    Fan Maintenance Problems

    • Your refrigerator fan requires periodic cleaning and maintenance. A buildup of dust, hair or other debris around the shaft or on the blades can make the fan operate irregularly, producing an unpleasant noise and potentially overheating components. Clean your refrigerator fans regularly or have them maintained by a qualified technician to prevent this problem.