Home Garden

The Flapper in My Refrigerator Is Stuck

Your refrigerator’s ice maker relies a series of parts to transfer ice from a mold to the bin and then to your cup. In many models, the ice dispenser’s flapper or activation lever is the first step in the process. However, if your flapper won’t operate because it’s stuck in position, you have a problem. You can fix a broken flapper by dissembling the dispenser assembly, which can vary depending on the model of the refrigerator.
  1. Function and Location

    • The flapper is the lever you press with your glass or container to activate your refrigerator’s ice dispenser. It hangs down from the ice dispenser in the front of the refrigerator door. It’s usually metal but there are also plastic ones, depending on your refrigerator model. Some of the newer, more expensive refrigerators don’t use flappers at all. Instead, you start the dispenser with the press of a button on the control panel.

    Maybe It’s Not the Flapper

    • Before you assume that something is wrong with your flapper, check other possible causes. If your model has a dispenser lock, it may be engaged, preventing the flapper from working. You may also not have ice in your bin to dispense. Open the freezer door and check the bin. It takes at least 24 hours after installation or emptying the bin before ice will dispense. Sometimes the cubes can get stuck together, preventing the ice from going down the chute. If that happens, empty the bin and clean it with warm soapy water before replacing. Give the refrigerator 24 hours and try the flapper again.

    If It is the Flapper

    • If your flapper is broken, you can repair or replace it with minimal work. The process varies depending on the model of your refrigerator but you generally remove the plastic fitting on the dispenser to expose the assembly. Check that the flapper is properly connected to the necessary wires to activate the ice dispensation. If the part is bent or worn, you can replace the flapper itself to get your ice maker working again. Turn off the power to the refrigerator before doing any repairs to the dispenser assembly.


    • Any repairs or dissembling you do to your refrigerator yourself may void any warranty you may have on it. Most manufacturers have a clause in their warranties that allows only authorized repair technicians to perform work. If you do have a warranty, contact the manufacturer for recommendations for a repair technicians. If you don’t have a warranty, you can make the repair yourself but you may still need to contact the manufacturer to order a new flapper or request your model’s service manual to guide you.