Home Garden

A Loud Humming Refrigerator & Cycling

Hearing your refrigerator hum as its cooling cycle kicks on is perfectly normal. If you notice that the hum is getting louder and louder and that it is cycling more rapidly than before, your refrigerator is working harder than it should. The noises are a warning that you could eventually have a serious problem with the unit.
  1. Cause

    • When your refrigerator starts humming louder than normal and turns on more often than it has in the past, the cause is often dirty condenser coils. Hidden behind your refrigerator, the condenser coils can become choked with dust. When they are dirty, they prevent the refrigeration system from functioning as efficiently as it should. This causes the compressor to work hard, increasing its noise volume and forcing it to run more often. More seriously, the noise and cycling can also be caused by a lack of refrigerant in the cooling system. Too little refrigerant makes the system work overtime to keep the interior of your refrigerator cool, again stressing the compressor.


    • A loudly humming refrigerator can be an irritant, the sound breaking into your concentration when you work in the kitchen. Turning on a radio isn’t a solution. If the compressor is straining to keep your food cool, it could burn itself out, leading to costly repairs or replacement of the entire appliance. While the refrigeration system struggles, the refrigerator uses more energy, raising your power bill at the end of the month.


    • If the problem is caused by dirty condenser coils, cleaning them will take the pressure off your refrigerator’s cooling system. Pull out the fridge and vacuum off the back of it using the wand attachment. Once you’ve pulled all visible dust off of it, move the fridge back into place. If the problem is low refrigerant, contact an appliance repair specialist. She can fill the system back to normal levels and determine what caused the loss of refrigerant in the first place.


    • Pulling a refrigerator out from the wall can be tricky, especially if you don’t move it often. Have a friend help you so you don’t hurt yourself trying to move it. When moving the refrigerator back into place, be careful not to crush the power cord. Make pulling the fridge out and dusting it and the walls and floor behind it a part of your seasonal cleaning routine to avoid the problem return in the future.