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SCE and Refrigerator Removal

Southern California Edison has a recycling program designed to remove inefficient appliances from the grid. SCE customers with old, but functioning, refrigerator/freezers can have their appliance picked up at no charge, and will receive $50 for it as of the date of this publication. The program is part of an effort to diminish electricity demands by eliminating energy-draining appliances. This reduces peak demand and allows the grid to run more smoothly.
  1. Requirements

    • According to SCE, the program is designed for any SCE customer who has a working refrigerator, 10- to 32-cubic feet in size, at the address where service is registered. As many as two refrigerators or freezers may be picked up from any one household. There are no additional requirements or fees, and the program is funded by California utility customers and associated with the California Public Utilities Commission. The program will continue as long as those funds are available.


    • The program is beneficial for SCE customers with appliances that are functional, but no longer in use. Many households have an extra refrigerator or freezer stored in the garage that they may never use again; this unit can be recycled for its parts. Regardless of the age of the appliance, as long as it works, SCE will recycle it. Call SCE to schedule a pick-up.
      If your refrigerator is still in use, you can still benefit from the program. Switching to a more efficient model can save a lot of money each year. Newer models can save customers as much as $180 each year, according to SCE.


    • In addition to encouraging efficient appliance usage, the program provides customers with a convenient way to recycle their refrigerator. Once it is hauled away, the old refrigerator is dismantled and the parts inside are repurposed or safely disposed of. Since there are some harmful substances inside the refrigeration system, this ensures environmentally friendly disposal, which is difficult to accomplish for many residents on their own. Substances, such as chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants, glass, mercury, polyurethane, oil and others, are removed and recycled.


    • SCE's program has been extremely successful, according to the EPA. Between 2006 and 2008, over 245,000 refrigerator/freezers and 12,000 air-conditioning units were planned for removal. It is estimated that nearly 180 million kWh (kilowatt-hours) of energy demand were saved during those two years. SCE began the program in 1994 and recently expanded it to include nonresidential customers, such as schools and offices.