Home Garden

Removing Scratches on a Painted Electrolux Refrigerator

Over time, your Electrolux refrigerator will develop scratches. Scratches occur because of cleaning the unit incorrectly or rubbing against the refrigerator cabinet with food containers. One way to limit the scratches on the painted surface is to not use abrasive cleaners or abrasive applicators. Removing scratches on a painted Electrolux refrigerator depends on the depth of the scratches. Fortunately, most scratches are surface scratches that make the refrigerator look dull. These often only require buffing with wax, much like surface scratches on your car.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Cotton cloths
  • Cotton towel
  • Automotive wax containing carnuaba
  • Appliance touch-up paint
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      Fill a bucket with warm water. Wash the surface of the Electrolux refrigerator with a cotton cloth dipped in the warm water. Wipe the refrigerator dry with a cotton towel.

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      Apply a thin film of automotive wax containing carnuaba with the soft applicator included with the wax. Carnuaba helps to revitalize the glossy finish of the paint. Allow the wax to dry for 20 minutes.

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      Wipe the wax off with clean cotton towels, working in small circular motions. Once the wax is off the refrigerator, buff the finish with a clean cotton towel.

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      Brush small amounts of appliance touch-up paint to deep scratches with the brush applicator in the cap of the paint bottle. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly for 24 hours and wax the area as you did the entire refrigerator.