Home Garden

Diagnostic Questions for a Sub-Zero Fridge

The Sub-Zero corporation produces refrigerators for both residential and commercial use. While many different refrigerators fill this company’s product line, all run using similar systems and, as a result, can be inspected in similar ways should you experience a problem with your appliance. While professional repair may be necessary if your Sub-Zero stops functioning properly, often you can solve the problem yourself by asking some simple diagnostic questions and inspecting your refrigeration unit.
  1. Stopped Running

    • If your Sub-Zero suddenly stops running, check the electrical supply, ensuring that the unit is plugged in properly and securely and that the fuse has not blown or the breaker has not tripped. Also check the cord to ensure it isn’t frayed or otherwise damaged, potentially preventing the unit from receiving the power it needs to run. Next check the condenser area to ensure it is clean and free of damage. If all appears to be in good working order, it is likely that the unit is simply moving through a defrost mode. Allow the unit several hours to defrost, leaving the doors shut. If it still doesn’t turn on, the issue is likely internal and professional repair will be necessary.

    Running Longer Than Normal

    • If your refrigerator appears to be running harder and longer than it has in the past, a number of issues could be at the root of this change. Start the diagnostic process by asking yourself whether the temperature is higher than normal in your home. If you are in the middle of a summer heat wave, your fridge likely will have to work harder to keep your perishables cool. If this is the case, there is no cause for concern. Additionally, if you have recently put a large amount of food into the refrigerator, particularly if this food wasn’t already cold, the fridge may be moving into overdrive to get the temperature of these foods down. If neither of these two possibilities fit, check the condenser area on the back of the fridge and look for dirt or damage. If it appears excessively dirty, clean it. If it appears damaged, it may not be functioning to full efficiency and may be in need of attention from a service person.

    Excessive Condensation or Frost Development

    • Condensation and frost commonly build up within refrigerators to a certain degree; however, modern Sub-Zero refrigerators are designed to be self-defrosting, preventing this excessive buildup. Typically, you will see a larger degree of condensation on the interior of your refrigerator during times of high humidity. This increase in interior moisture is not something about which you need to be concerned, but instead a normal result of the humidity in the atmosphere that will go away as the humidity drops. If you notice that this condensation is turning to frost, check the seals on your refrigerator to ensure they are sealing properly. If they aren’t, repair them and your frost issue will likely go away. If your seals appear to be intact, but the frost continues to develop, the issue is likely that your self-defrosting function has stopped working properly and is in need of professional servicing or replacement.


    • Due to the drips and spills that commonly coat the bottoms of these food-holding appliances, refrigerators are notorious for developing odors. Generally, an odor coming from your fridge can be resolved by simply cleaning the interior of the unit. If you clean your Sub-Zero and find that this doesn’t remove the odor, your issue may be in the drain. Begin by cleaning out the drain pipe and removing and cleaning the drain pain, both of which are located on the bottom of the fridge and accessible through the rear of the unit, though the specific placement depends upon the model.