Home Garden

How Much Can a Refrigerator Leak Before Fixing It?

Dealing with a home repair issue is no one’s idea of a fun weekend. If your refrigerator is leaking, you might be tempted to ignore the problem so long as it still keeps your food cold. It’s all right to let it leak for a few days until you have time to work on it, but you should fix the problem as soon as you can.
  1. Causes

    • When your refrigerator leaks, the causes are usually something simple, like a hole in the drip pan or a cracked water supply line. These problems can be caused by age or by carelessly pulling the refrigerator out from the wall then shoving it back into place. More seriously, the leak could be caused by too much refrigerant, an issue known as over-charging that causes water condensation on the compressor. Over time, the water drips off the compressor and onto the floor.


    • A water leak is an issue from the start because the standing water could cause damage to the floor in your kitchen. If it is leaking significantly, the water could run to the walls and lead to mold growth there. While a leaky drip pan or a leaking water supply won’t hurt the refrigerator, an overcharge in the refrigerant can. The compressor will work too hard trying to keep the unit at an even temperature. Over time, this can wear on the compressor and lead to burn out. The presence of standing water underneath an electrical appliance also carries the risk of electrical shock.


    • A broken drip pan or a split water supply line must be replaced, rather than repaired. Remove the problem part from the refrigerator and take it to an appliance supply store. The technicians there can help you find the right replacement part. If the problem is too much refrigerant, contact an appliance repair specialist who can safely remove the overcharge and bring the system back into balance.


    • If you are dealing with a leaky drip pan or cracked water supply line, you can put down towels and ignore the problem until the weekend when you’ll have a few hours set aside to work on the problem. So long as the water isn’t damaging the floors or walls, you can put it off for a few days. Contact a repair specialist right away for a problem with the compressor. Not only can an overworked unit increase your energy bills, if it burns out, you will also have an expensive repair or replacement decision to make.