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How Does a Three-Way Fridge Work?

Outdoor enthusiasts and those who drive RVs may use a three-way fridge because they are portable and more convenient than an ice-filled cooler. A three-way fridge is ideal for times when you do not have an electric power source readily available. The fridge’s name relates to the different power sources it can use -- electricity, a 120-volt battery or gas.
  1. Operation

    • Unlike a refrigerator you use in a home kitchen, a three-way fridge begins the cooling process with heat. According to website RV Basics, the heat in the three-way fridge creates a chemical reaction within the refrigerant that causes the fridge to cool when condensation and evaporation take place. It is common for ammonia to be the refrigerant. Because there are no moving parts or compressors within the unit, a three-way fridge requires little to no maintenance.

      To ensure the refrigerator works properly, however, you must keep it in a level, upright position so the chemical reaction can occur and so you don't accidentally cause irreparable damage to the appliance. Depending on the model, a three-way fridge may only have a refrigeration unit. Large or more expensive models may also come with a freezer.

    Electric Connection

    • When you are at a campsite, hooking up the three-way fridge to an electrical outlet offers an efficient means to operate a three-way fridge. You must remember, however, to switch to the option that allows you to power the fridge with an electric heating unit instead of the gas burner. Using electricity whenever possible to run a three-way fridge extends the amount of time it will run on alternative sources of power.

    Gas Connection

    • Using the propane or butane power option on a three-way fridge is ideal when you are camping in the woods without access to a power outlet. RV Basics reports that if you anticipate the need to use propane to power the fridge, pre-cool it for several hours before you leave on your trip and only stock it with cold foods such as canned drinks and already frozen foods to help the fridge maintain its cool temperature.

    Battery Connection

    • Only use the option to power a three-way fridge with a 12-volt battery as a last resort. Because the appliance draws a considerable amount of amperage, it will not run for long on a car battery. If you plan to power a three-way fridge on a car battery while the engine runs, make sure the vehicle alternator is strong enough the run both machines at the same time.