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My Fantom 12 Amp Vacuum Is Overheating

The Fantom is a slim vacuum cleaner that has several components designed to make cleaning a carpet quick and simple. However, some of these components can clog if not cleared regularly, while others degrade over time. Learn about these components to prepare to inspect your Fantom and locate the cause of any overheating.
  1. Overheating in the Fantom

    • The Fantom, like all vacuum cleaners, can be susceptible to overheating from a variety of causes. For example, your Fantom contains a component called a "fluff trap" on the bottom of its handle. This component is responsible for pulling lint and other fine materials out of the airflow. If this component becomes overfull, it can lessen suction, which increases the amount of time that dirt and other materials from the carpet remain in transit between the brushes and bin filters. This in turn increases heat. You can remove the fluff trap by pulling gently on it; then clean it with a dry cloth.

    Check the Hoses

    • When coins, marbles or other large materials get clogged in the hoses, your Fantom will overheat very quickly. You can usually tell when this occurs because the Fantom's pitch will increase dramatically. To check the hoses for obstructions, turn the machine off and then press the button located at the back of the vacuum's handle. This will release the hoses and allow you to inspect them visually. You can clear obstructions by running a straightened wire clothes hanger or wire brush through the hoses.

    Examine the Belt

    • Your Fantom contains a belt that conveys energy in the form of motion from the motor to the brushes. Over time, the Fantom's belt will degrade from the stress induced by the repetitive motion. Once it wears down to a certain point the belt can fail, and this in turn can cause the Fantom's brushes to spin erratically or not at all. Once this occurs, heat will quickly build up in the motor; with nowhere to go, this heat can easily damage it. You can access the belt by removing the plate at the bottom of the Fantom. It is secured by four screws.

    Check the Bin Filters

    • You can easily find the Fantom's bin filters on the front of the machine. The bin filters catch and store materials that are too large for the HEPA filters. However, as you are vacuuming, it is possible to collect so many of these larger materials in the bin filters that you create a clog. If this occurs, the Fantom will quickly overheat because the clog will impede airflow within the machine. You can open the bin filter by gently grabbing its handle and pulling away from the Fantom.