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Why Do Freezers Vary Widely in Temperature?

Freezers often vary widely in temperature. Freezers should be kept at 0 degrees Fahrenheit to keep foods safely frozen and keep them from spoiling. Storing foods at temperatures above 0 F could result in unsafe foods.
  1. Size and Materials

    • The size of a freezer will often determine the temperature. Freezers that are larger take more energy to stay cold, while smaller freezers are easier to keep cool. Freezers made of sturdy materials and thick polyurethane insulation will be colder and stay colder than freezers with a thinner layer of insulation.


    • The method you use to organize your freezer can determine its temperature. Freezers that are kept full require less energy to keep foods cold and maintain temperature, even when the freezer door is left open or the power goes out. It is important to choose a freezer that is the right size for your household needs. Organize foods neatly, packing them close together. Placing foods that are warm in the freezer may temporarily raise the overall temperature inside the freezer until the warm food cools and freezes.

    Temperature Controls

    • Temperature controls on a freezer let you set your freezer temperature. Some controls might not accurately gauge freezer temperature, and you might need to set the temperature control warmer or colder to maintain the proper temperature. Set your freezer at 0 F, and use a thermometer to ensure that your freezer reaches that temperature. Adjust your temperature controls as necessary to maintain a safe temperature.


    • How often you use your freezer can determine how it maintains a steady temperature. Opening a freezer often will cause the temperature to rise. If you open your freezer several times per day, or leave it open for more than a few seconds to find what you are looking for, the freezer's temperature will rise. To keep a steady temperature, organize your freezer so items that you use most often are kept in the front, while items intended for long-term storage such as frozen meats are stored in the back.