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Why Does My Furnace Burn a Lot of Gas?

Your furnace can burn a lot of gas, leading to a high gas bill, for several reasons. Paying more than you expect to pay can create problems for your budget, but you don't have to settle for a furnace that is not efficient. A combination of personal habits and looking at the furnace itself can help you reduce gas consumption.
  1. Temperature

    • Your furnace will burn a lot of gas if you keep the thermostat in your home set to a high temperature. While it's never ideal to sit in a cold house, cost-effective solutions such as wearing warm slippers and adding an extra layer of clothing during the winter months will mean you can lower the temperature of your thermostat, which will reduce gas usage. Additionally, set your thermostat so the house is cooler at night and during the workday when you're not at home.

    Furnace Age

    • As is the case with old cars, old furnaces are not always efficient. An old car can have leaks that lead to poor gas mileage, while an old furnace loses its efficiency over time. Gauging the efficiency of a furnace is difficult, but if you're concerned about the age of your furnace, have one or more technicians visit your home to test the furnace's efficiency.

    Furnace Size

    • Having too large a furnace for the size of your house is a common issue, according to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. When the furnace is too large, it will produce heat in a short amount of time but fail to reach a level at which its production is efficient. A smaller furnace, meanwhile, will run longer but at a more optimum level, causing less waste.

    Furnace Efficiency

    • Though modern-day furnaces are often significantly more efficient than older models, it's still possible to have different degrees of efficiency in furnaces. Look for the energy rating of your furnace, which is often displayed on a sticker with a header such as EnerGuide or Energy Star. This information will reveal whether your furnace is mid- or high efficiency. If it's only mid-efficiency, this is a likely cause for the furnace burning more gas that you'd like.