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What Is the Effect of Hydrogen on a Natural Gas Boiler?

Natural gas boilers convert natural gas to heat energy. Adding hydrogen to natural gas can reduce the CO2 emissions and other pollutants boilers release into the atmosphere; however, in general, hydrogen interferes with the efficiency of the boiler because it converts to water vapor and hydrogen chloride upon combustion. Thus, excessive hydrogen in the fuel line can slow down a boiler's effectiveness or stop it from working.
  1. Better for Environment

    • Gas boilers that run on hydrogen don't emit carbon dioxide into the environment. This may be better for the environment in the long run as excessive carbon dioxide emissions contribute to the greenhouse effect and cause the planet to be warmer. However, some carbon dioxide is necessary for energy exchange with plants, as plants need to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    Heat Loss

    • When hydrogen is involved in combustion, it causes heat loss. Hydrogen combustion within the boiler converts the hydrogen to water vapor. The water vapor then leaves the boiler. This causes there to be less heat in the boiler, although the air around the boiler may become hotter because of the greater amount of water vapor released into it.

    Less Effective

    • Natural gas boilers are often less effective than other types of boilers. In general, any type of boiler fuel that has a low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio is less effective than boiler fuel that has more carbon than it does hydrogen. This is because hydrogen causes heat loss, which causes the boiler to be less effective. Natural gas is therefore considered one of the least effective forms of boiler fuel due to its low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio.

    Corrosion Problems

    • Hydrogen in natural gas boilers can be converted to hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen chloride is not good for boilers; it causes corrosion on the inside of the boiler and may also corrode the superheater. This causes the boiler to work less effectively and, if corrosion is left untreated, it can cause the boiler to eventually break down.