Home Garden

How to Force My Ice Maker to Dump

The ice dispenser on your refrigerator has an automatic dispensing feature that dumps ice into the ice storage bin while on and automatically turns itself off when the storage bin fills to capacity. If you have recently cleaned out the ice storage bin and wish to replenish your storage bin's ice supply, you can do so by forcing the ice maker to produce ice. Once forced, the ice maker continues to dispense ice cubes into the bin until the wire arm attached to the ice maker is flipped into the upright position.


    • 1

      Open the refrigerator's door that contains the ice maker and press the off button on the front of the icemaker.

    • 2

      Lift the ice storage bin from the refrigerator door and empty out the storage bin into a nearby sink.

    • 3

      Insert the storage bin back onto the refrigerator door and push the on button on the ice maker.

    • 4

      Press the ice maker's wire arm down to force the ice maker to run and release ice.

    • 5

      Close the refrigerator door to use the ice dispenser, as the ice dispenser does not operate when the door is open.