Home Garden

Wood & Oil Fired Boilers

When deciding what type of boiler to invest in for a home’s heating needs, a homeowner often must choose between the wood-burning variety and the fossil fuel-burning variety. Another type of boiler, however, can provide the best of both worlds: a wood- and oil-fired boiler. Such a boiler generates heat using either fuel.
  1. Design

    • A wood- and oil-fired boiler consists of two fuel-burning containers -- or combustion chambers -- for heating water. These containers are mounted on a single frame. While one container is designed to contain and burn firewood, the other is designed to contain and burn heating oil. In addition to using two fuel-burning containers, a wood- and oil-fired boiler features two heat exchange tubes: one for the wood-burning container and one for the oil-burning container. These tubes are responsible for transferring heat from the fires to a hot water supply or heating system. By keeping its fuel-burning containers and heat exchange tubes separate, a wood- and oil-fired boiler is able to maximize its energy efficiency.


    • Although it has dual systems, the boiler vents its exhaust through a single opening. As a result, the boiler is ideal for installation in a home where only a single flue is available. So if you’re replacing an older oil boiler and want the benefit of being able to use two different fuel sources, a wood- and oil-fired boiler is a practical option. If you were to install separate wood-fired and oil-fired burners, each would require its own flue.

    Heating Benefits

    • One of the main benefits of using such a boiler for home heating is that it can automatically switch between fuel sources to keep homes continuously heated. So, for example, when you leave the house or go to sleep and do not add sufficient wood to the wood-burning section of the boiler, the boiler will automatically switch over to the oil-burning section to maintain a desired temperature. As a result, you do not have to come home to -- or wake up to -- a cold house just because the fire has burned out.


    • To maximize the efficiency and longevity of a wood- and oil-fired boiler, always refer to the owner’s manual for operating instructions. With some boiler models, you may be able to burn wood and oil simultaneously for generating heat more rapidly. But do not attempt this without first referring to the owner’s manual. For best results, only load the boiler with the specific types of wood and oil that the manufacturer indicates as being safe to use.