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Green Low-Energy Trash Compactors

Since their introduction in the 20th century, trash compactors have functioned as space-saving, environmentally friendly methods of waste disposal, but the newest models take this intention a step further. Recent innovative designs for trash compactors incorporate solar energy use and other low-energy designs. This new level of efficiency makes trash compactors increasingly valuable for municipal systems, homes and institutions.
  1. Function

    • Trash compactors work by mechanically condensing garbage, reducing waste disposal costs. They make trash collection more efficient for collectors and janitorial staff while improving sanitation. They also help preserve ecological environments by reducing space taken up by landfills. Families using a compactor may find they make fewer trips to their trash bins and that the trash is more compact and easier to handle. Compactors may be placed under sinks, within outdoor receptacles or in trash processing areas.

    Efficient Designs

    • Many companies have developed low-energy designs for trash compactors, reducing previous energy use significantly. Wastequip, one of the largest trash processing systems company, recently developed a compactor that uses 65 percent fewer kilowatts to run, with a size twice as large, according to "Solid Waste and Recycling" magazine. The charge box allows operators to fill it with twice as many bags, so it requires half as many cycles. Its motor is also more efficient because it runs at a cooler temperature and lasts longer. These changes prove beneficial for efficiency of labor and energy, particularly with large-scale use.

    Solar Designs

    • New solar-panel systems reduce the energy demands of trash compactors and make their use cheaper for institutions and homes. These systems are found on some school campuses and other institutions and are installed within trash receptacles themselves. The receptacles are often the same size as a normal trash bins. Solar panels on the top of the machine absorb sunlight for energy, and the efficiency of the system allows the compactor to run on as much electricity as it takes to light a lightbulb. The compaction allows them to hold five times as much waste, according to the University of Rochester, making labor much easier for institutions.

    Boosting Efficiency

    • If you are stuck with an old style of trash compactor and want to make it more energy-efficient, there are a few things you can do. Check for corrosion or repair needs and address them to keep it running at its best. Keep the system clean, but do not hose the compactor down, as water can corrode the system and slow it down. Large compactors should be serviced every two years or so to have the oil and filter replaced and keep it running efficiently.