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Can Microwaves Transmit Through Clothing?

Microwave radiation is not hazardous to the human body in small doses. Many appliances and convenience devices, including cellular phones and digital communication equipment, emit microwaves while in use. Prolonged exposure to high levels of microwave radiation can cause bodily harm, though scientists disagree as to what levels of radiation pose a significant health risk.
  1. Microwave Radiation Strength

    • Microwave radiation can easily pass through normal clothing and contact the body. According to the Health Physics Society's website, the Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Devices and Radiological Health require all microwave ovens produced in the United States to meet quality standards for the emission of microwave radiation. While these agencies assume microwave ovens leak some radiation while in operation, quality standards keep these emissions to within established safety parameters. At publication, no microwave oven produced in the United States may leak microwave radiation in excess of 5 milliwatts at 5 centimeters (about 2 inches) away from the oven itself.

    Working Around Microwaves

    • Working around industrial equipment that emits microwaves, including dielectric heaters and AM/FM communications transmitters, can present a risk for overexposure. According to the Ontario Ministry of Labour, microwave absorption varies by frequency expressed in megahertz (MHz) over time. For example, overexposure can occur in as little as six minutes when coming in direct contact with FM communication transmitters operating between 88 and 108MHz. Overexposure from dish antenna communication transmitters can occur between 800 and 15,000MHz.

    Symptoms of Overexposure

    • Overexposure from microwave radiation can manifest as electric shocks and burns on the skin. First aid for minor microwave radiation exposure includes applying cold water or ice to affected skin areas and moving affected workers to cooler environments. High doses of microwave radiation can also cause damage to internal organs if the victim's skin does not appear to sustain any burns or other apparent damage. A medical examination is necessary to rule out damage of internal organs.

    Cell Phones and Radiation

    • All cellular phones emit varying amounts of microwaves and radio waves that can pass through clothing and penetrate the human body. There are many conflicting reports as to whether the amounts of radiation emitted by cell phones causes significant bodily harm, including brain tumors. As a precautionary safety measure, the Federal Communications Commission regulates the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR, of radiation for all cell phones sold in the country. The higher the SAR, the higher the maximum possible exposure to radiation emissions. According to CNET Reviews, the Motorola Bravo has the highest SAR at 1.59. The Motorola Droid 2 Global has the next highest SAR at 1.58.