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How to Clean GE Stove Top Oven Grids

GE stove top ovens have a broiler compartment where you can broil meats, fishes and sandwiches. This compartment is made up of grid where the food item sits and a pan to catch the food grease as it cooks. After each use, you should clean the grid and pan. This will keep your GE stove top in working order and eliminate the chance of leftover burned food ruining a future dinner.


    • 1

      Turn off the broiler.

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      Open the broiler drawer and lift up and remove the broiler pan and grid.

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      Take the grid out of the pan. It just lies inside of the pan. Pour the grease out of the pan into a container.

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      Wash the grid and pan with hot water and dish soap by hand. Use a scouring pad if needed.

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      Dot the grid with dish washing detergent of there is caked on and burned food on it while it is still hot. Cover it with a layer of paper towels. After it cools, remove the food with a scouring pad. Rinse the grid and wash with dish soap and hot water and dry with the dish towel.