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Convection Microwave Oven Advantages

An oven that combines microwave and conventional heating elements with a fan is a handy small appliance in a kitchen, office or dorm room. They do not take as much electricity to operate, and they bake as effectively as a conventional oven. These ovens heat quickly and can cut the time it takes to bake because of the convection option. Some even combine microwave energy with baking, making it possible to bake meat or casseroles even faster.
  1. Space Savers

    • A countertop combination convection oven/microwave takes up much less space than a conventional oven or range. Students can pair a combination oven with a portable burner to cook meals inside their dorm rooms or in a rented room in a house.

      People who do not use a standard oven often and are short of cabinet space can use a convection/microwave combination to bake or roast and use the larger oven for storage.

    Energy Savings

    • Since the cooking chamber in the microwave/convection oven is smaller than a regular oven, they do not use as much electricity as a conventional oven. The convection fan circulates the heat, and food also cooks faster. When using the convection oven for baked goods like cakes, bars and cookies, users drop the temperature about 25 degrees so the baked goods don't burn before they are cooked all the way through.


    • A combination oven gives the user the option to use the appliance as a fast-cooking microwave or as an oven. Some of the ovens will also grill food if they have a heating element in the top rack, which increases their usefulness in browning or crisping food.

      Convection/microwave ovens sometimes have an option for using microwave energy along with heating to reduce the cooking time for food. Instead of taking an average of 20 minutes per pound to cook meat to 160 degrees, it may be just 10 minutes per pound. The meat or casseroles brown as well, developing even more flavor.

      These ovens can also be used to keep food hot while the rest of the meal is prepared by selecting temperatures above 160 degrees and below 200 degrees.


    • These ovens are easier to clean compared to a conventional oven. The trays can be removed for spills and the inside scrubbed and wiped clean with a wet cloth.