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How to Clean Dried Stove-Top Grease

If you spend a lot of time in your kitchen cooking, then you know grease can make quite a mess. When you cook food items that contain grease, you might have some extra cleaning ahead of you, particularly if you allow the grease to dry onto your stove top. Cleaning dried stove-top grease doesn't have to be difficult. You just need to be persistent and use the right cleaning methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot water
  • Grease-cutting dish detergent
  • Scrubbing sponge
  • Water
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      Fill your sink with hot water and add some grease-cutting dish detergent.

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      Remove all fixtures from your stove top, such as burner caps, grates and the control knobs. Place them in the sink and let them soak to cut the grease.

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      Use the abrasive side of a scrubbing sponge and the soapy water from your sink to scrub the top of your stove top. You may need to scrub hard to remove the grease. Allow soapy water to sit on particularly difficult spots to soften the grease.

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      Rinse the stove top with water and inspect carefully. Re-scrub any areas that still have dried-on grease with your abrasive sponge and soapy water. Rinse when finished.

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      Scrub the items soaking in the sink with the abrasive sponge. The grease should come off easily after soaking for several minutes. Dry each item well before putting it back onto the stove top.