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How Much Radiation Does a Microwave Oven Emit?

Microwave ovens offer the convenience of heating food fast, especially compared to gas-powered or electric ovens. However, the radiation that can leak from microwave ovens causes some people to question their safety. Like any home appliance, owners should use microwave ovens as intended and undertake all safety precautions.
  1. The Standard

    • Under the guidelines of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a microwave oven cannot emit more than 5 milliwatts of microwave radiation per square centimeter during the course of its lifetime. The FDA claims this amount is far below the radiation level known to harm people. In fact, X-ray machines produce more radiation than microwave ovens. All microwave ovens must have two interlocking systems. These systems halt the production of microwaves and radiation as soon as the door is opened, or when the microwave is turned off.

    Health Concerns

    • FDA studies have shown that people exposed to high levels of microwave radiation may feel a burning sensation, since microwaves have the ability to heat body tissue as well as food. Research continues concerning the effects on humans exposed to low levels of microwave radiation.

    Early History

    • Since 1971 the FDA has had the responsibility of regulating the manufacture of microwave ovens and microwave oven radiation. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure consumers are not exposed to high levels of radiation while using microwave ovens.