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Safety When Using Microwaves

Microwave ovens have become a must-have in society especially after the beginning of the 21st century. Although you may feel safe when using your microwave oven, several things may go wrong when using it incorrectly. Much unlike conventional ovens, microwave ovens use a distinct amount of radiation to zap your food quickly. Take this into consideration the next time you heat up your food in one.
  1. Metal Objects

    • Never insert metal objects into a microwave. Metal vibrates when touched by the strong electric waves emitted by the microwave. If it moves close enough to the wall of the microwave, electric arcs begin to appear, which resemble a small bolt of lightning. Hazardous fumes emit while the metal gets microwaved. Some of the metal might even melt.

    Handle Doors Gently

    • Don't slam the door on your microwave. Over time, abuse of the door damages the microwave seal. This damage causes leaks in microwave radiation which can cause personal injury. Don't use a microwave that has been dropped, either. A dropped microwave may cause you the same problems. Have your microwave inspected if you suspect it's been abused or dropped.

    Heating Water

    • Heating simple (flat) water may cause injury. Microwaves heat water so quickly that they don't give water the time it needs to form bubbles in the bottom or properly distribute the heat. A superheated cup of water might deceive you because of its cold top surface. The water below, being extremely hot, attempts to go up to the surface all at once and this might surprise you with a splash on your body, causing severe injury. Heat water with a tea bag or stirrer inside it.

    Dispose of Old Microwaves

    • Older microwave models that have experienced plenty of use don't necessarily qualify as safe ovens simply because the internal seals in them might not work like they used to, leaking plenty of radiation. This radiation might cause you problems with your circulatory system and birth defects, if you're pregnant. Once a microwave oven gets rather old and starts acting up, don't take any more risks, and get a new oven.