Home Garden

Distance Between a Range & a Microwave in the Kitchen

Contemporary kitchens are all about convenience and accessibility. Installing a microwave oven over the range saves space and improves the appearance of your food-preparation area. There are no hard and fast rules about how high to set your microwave over the range. Most information provided by microwave manufacturers is intended for guidance only. The height you eventually choose for the microwave will depend on a number of factors.
  1. Official Guidelines

    • A minimum height of 30 inches between the top of the microwave and the cooking surface is the consensus among microwave manufacturers. This height provides enough room for large pots on the burners while protecting the microwave heat shield and fan from thermal damage. Note that the measurement is from the top, not the bottom, of the microwave. The exact dimensions of the microwave may require you to slightly raise or lower the appliance.

    Deciding Factors

    • The height of 30 inches is a recommendation only. Many people choose to set their microwaves higher so that they're flush with the kitchen cupboards. The height of the backsplash and control panel of the oven should also play a role in your decision -- the bottom of the microwave should be at least 2 inches above the highest point of the range.


    • Over-the-range microwaves are designed differently from conventional countertop models. To keep the appliance cool over the heat of the range, a fan automatically channels hot air out of the house via a vent system. For this reason, the range and microwave should be installed on an exterior wall for easy ventilation. Access to an electrical outlet is also essential; extension cords and multiplug adapters are not suitable for microwave ovens.

    Other Measurements

    • Manufacturers recommend a height of 66 inches between the top, not bottom, of the microwave and the kitchen floor for access by most people. The distance from the front of the surrounding cupboards to the back wall must not be more than 13 inches to ensure that the oven sits flush. The exact size of your oven may cause some of these measurements to vary slightly.