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How to Teach Children to Use a Microwave

Microwaves are a useful kitchen tool for experienced kitchen hands and children alike. They are easy to use, relatively safe and quick. Teach your child to cook or reheat food in the microwave and you have gone a long way to teaching him how to prepare his own food. Show your child how to use a microwave properly by teaching him not only cooking techniques, but also safety and cleanliness.


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      Teach your child to read and understand the display and controls on the microwave. Show her where the cooking time is indicated, how to input cooking time and the "Start" and "Stop" buttons. Test your child by asking her to input a certain cooking time, or to read how much time is left for an item to cook.

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      Help your child understand cooking, reheating and defrosting times. Teach him that a bowl of soup, for instance, needs only a couple of minutes, and that it is better to put in a smaller amount of time and test the food. Make your child understand it can be dangerous to put something in the microwave for too long. Show him how to use the automatic defrosting features on your microwave.

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      Teach the basics of general microwave safety to your child. Tell her never to put aluminum foil, silverware or any other kind of metal in the microwave. Show her which dishes are microwave-safe, and keep them within reach. Demonstrate that she should stand not directly in front of the microwave when it is on. Show her to use potholders when removing a hot dish from the microwave. Teach her to remove lids slowly and to stir a dish before tasting for temperature.

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      Teach your child to clean the microwave properly. Let her know that liquid foods, such as tomato sauce, tend to burst and spray on the inside of the microwave. Show her that it is best to clean the microwave immediately after cooking before food residue has had a chance to harden. Inspect the microwave after your child's first few uses to make sure it is clean.