Home Garden

Why Do I Have Gnats Over My Sink?

Gnats are those tiny winged insects which appear every spring to buzz around your head. These insects are generally harmless, although annoying. Several conditions in your home can provide ideal spawning grounds for these tiny critters -- in particular your kitchen. If you notice gnats congregating around you kitchen sink it may be time to roll up your sleeves and do some spring cleaning.
  1. Food Particles in the Drain

    • If you have gnats hovering over a kitchen sink, it's a sure bet there are decaying food particles stuck in your drain or a short distance down your drain pipe. Gnats will use these decaying organic particles as a ready food source and spawning ground. If your sink also has a garbage disposal, food could also have become stuck on the blades. Decaying organic matter is almost always accompanied by an odor, so if you notice a smell this is likely the case.

    Water in the Sink

    • Gnats are attracted to moist environments according to the University of California's Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. If you fail to regularly dry your sink or have a tendency to leave pots and pans to soak in water overnight, female gnats may use your sink as a spawning ground, creating an ideal situation for infestation.

    Proximity to Potted Plants

    • Another favorite spawning of ground of gnats is dry potting soil. Developing larvae eat organic particles in the soil, root hairs and small portions of leaves. If you have potted plants close to your kitchen sink, adult gnats may swarm around the area in an attempt to find new sources of food. Keeping soil moist but well-drained is a key strategy in limiting the occurrence of gnats on your houseplants.

    Getting Rid of Gnats

    • Gnat infestations can be difficult to get rid of. The best strategy is one of prevention. Keeping your sink drains free from food particles and keeping kitchen trashcans covered with lids can help prevent the tiny insects from setting up shop in your kitchen. A solution of vinegar and water, or water mixed with dish deterrent can also prevent gnats from frequenting your sink.