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How to Troubleshoot a GE GFC 290Y Garbage Disposal

The General Electric GFC290Y is a garbage disposal unit that grinds up food waste in the forms of scraps, vegetable and fruit rinds, coffee grounds, little bones and other material into small pieces for easier clearance in the septic system. The garbage disposal should always be operated with cold water entering the disposal from the faucet. In addition, large food items, bones or utensils should never be placed in the disposal. If problems arise with the device, some troubleshooting steps may help resolve the situation.

Things You'll Need

  • Tongs
  • Wooden utensil
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    • 1

      Turn off and unplug the GE garbage disposal prior to any cleaning, maintenance or troubleshooting.

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      Use a pair of tongs to reach into the disposal and remove any large objects or blockages from the disposal. Do not use your fingers or hands.

    • 3

      Take out the splash guard from the top of the disposal and use a large wooden utensil to turn the flywheel if the disposal is not grinding as expected.

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      Replace the splash guard by snapping it into position over the lip of the garbage disposal. Restore power to the device.

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      Wait two minutes to allow the motor to cool sufficiently. Press the "Reset" button on the bottom of the garbage disposal.