Home Garden

How to Make a Homemade Hot Incinerator

Burn barrels, more commonly known as incinerators, dispose of trash by burning the debris. Usually, garbage that cannot be recycled is placed into incinerators for burning by waste management companies. Although incinerators are generally found in landfills, many country homes use incinerators to remove the scent of trash to further keep animals away from their land. You can create your own homemade incinerator with various materials found at hardware stores for a low cost to dispose of your trash.

Things You'll Need

  • Wrench set
  • Pliers
  • 55-gallon drum
  • Screwdrivers
  • Measuring tape
  • Handheld grinder
  • 5/8-inch woven metal mesh screen
  • Calculator
  • Tie wire
  • Weed-removal tool
  • Shovel
  • Small branches
  • Leaves and bark
  • Matches
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    • 1

      Loosen the bolts securing the top of the 55-gallon drum. Lift or pry off the top of the drum with pliers.

    • 2

      Measure the diameter of the drum with a tape measure. Measure and cut a square piece of mesh that is approximately 5 to 10 inches larger in length and width than the diameter of the drum. This will create a cover for the barrel.

    • 3

      Place the drum on a flat surface with its side on the ground. Use a handheld grinder to cut 3-inch square vents along the bottom of the drum. The vents should be 3 inches from the bottom edge of the barrel and equally spaced around the drum.

    • 4

      Multiply the diameter of the barrel by the pi value (3.14) on a calculator to determine the circumference of the barrel.

    • 5

      Measure a piece of mesh that is 6 inches in width and equal to the circumference to the barrel in length.

    • 6

      Bend and shape the mesh piece to form a circular shape. This shape has the same circumference as the barrel. Secure the ends of the shape with a tie wire. Twist the tie wire around the ends of the mesh to secure the shape.

    • 7

      Position the circular mesh in the bottom of the barrel to cover the 3-by-3-inch vents. This will help prevent any debris from flying out of the incinerator.

    • 8

      Move the barrel so it is upright on its bottom. Find an appropriate location for the barrel that is 50 feet from any utility corridor and 30 feet from any buildings.

    • 9

      Remove any plants and weeds in the ground surrounding the barrel with a shovel to form a circle that is clear of weeds. The ground should be only soil or gravel. The circular shape should be 10 feet larger than the incinerator on each side.

    • 10

      Position small branches at the bottom of the incinerator. Start a fire with matches and add twigs or bark to allow the fire to grow.

    • 11

      Add debris in the incinerator. Do not add the debris in large quantities. Place the mesh cover above the incinerator and allow the debris to burn.