Home Garden

The Effects of Garbage Disposals & Septic Tanks

A garbage disposal is a common kitchen appliance that is used to grind food waste, such as vegetable peels, small bones and table scraps, into particles that are small enough to flow through drain pipes without clogging the system. Garbage disposals help homemakers maintain a clean living environment that is free of odors caused by food products decaying in the trash. There is some controversy over whether garbage disposals are appropriate for use in homes that have septic systems.
  1. How Septic Systems Work

    • Approximately 27 million homes in the United States rely on septic systems for their solid waste disposal needs. These systems involve a holding tank with an inlet line that brings wastewater in from the home and an outlet line that allows water to flow out of the tank and into a drain field. The solid waste settles to the bottom of the tank and the water that flows from the tank seeps through the soil of the drain field, where naturally occurring microbes remove contaminants before the water reaches the groundwater level.

    Problems With Septic Systems

    • Properly sized septic systems are an effective and efficient means of dealing with solid waste disposal, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Problems can occur when the septic system is undersized. This can occur when a small family installs the septic system to meet its needs but a large family purchases the property. The larger family may put demands on the small septic system that it was not intended to bear. Introducing the additional burden of solid food waste into the system through a garbage disposal may contribute to the excess demand, according to the University of Maryland Extension.

    Proper Sizing

    • The Environmental Protection Agency notes that you can significantly reduce the amount of solid waste and grease that enter your septic tank by eliminating the use of your garbage disposal. Properly sized septic systems typically have no problem accommodating the additional solid waste generated by a garbage disposal, according to the AsktheBuilder.com, but the additional waste will likely result in the need to have your septic tank pumped out more frequently.


    • You can safely use your garbage disposal with your septic system as long as you properly maintain your system. The Environmental Protection Agency notes that garbage disposal manufacturers recommend operating the disposal while cold water is running through the system. The EPA also notes that there are no data supporting the claims of some manufacturers of enhanced septic tank safety for units with septic system additive injectors. The EPA does not advise adding any maintenance additives to your septic system. If you have your system professionally inspected every three years and pumped out every three to five years, your system should provide good service, even if you use a garbage disposal.