Home Garden

Foods Not to Put Down a Waste Disposal

Waste disposal machines can be a terrific addition to the kitchen because they reduce the amount of garbage that goes into the can. Unfortunately, there are some things that should not disappear down into the disposal. Placing certain food items into the disposal can cause significant damage that may result in a hefty bill from the repair person who must be called upon to get the machine back to working order.
  1. Starch

    • Potatoes and other starchy foods are a definite no-no when it comes to placing things into the waste disposal. Rice can present the same problem as potatoes. in very small amounts these things are not so bad, but the remains of a large dinner built around potatoes or rice should be avoided as the starch can break down and create a gummy glue that can potentially wreak havoc upon the drain.

    Stems and Strings

    • Food with stems such as broccoli are avoided by some owners because they tend to get stuck within the blades and obstruct proper revolution. The same goes for food that is fibrous. What can potentially happen is that the long strings of items, such as celery, wrap themselves around the cutting blades and can either make the motor stop working or make it work harder that it needs to. Either way the ultimate result is damage to the disposal that will probably result in the need for a repair person.


    • Chicken bones, steak bones and pork chops will not necessarily harm the blades nor the motor of a waste disposal, but they should still be placed into the machine only sparingly. The reason is that constantly placing bones into the disposal can result in the dulling of the blades. This in turn means that you have to run the blades longer to achieve the same result you used to get before the blades got dulled.


    • In theory, a waste disposal should be able to handle any kind of food in moderate amounts. Many homes that come with a disposal are equipped with a lesser-grade model to cut down on cost. These lower-cost items generally tend to handle difficult foods less well than high-end models. Therefore, when considering a waste disposal it is wise to consider purchasing a quality model to reduce the potential for problems.