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How to Quickly Fix a Jammed Garbage Disposal

A jammed garbage disposal is inconvenient at best. At worst, it's a disgusting mess. So if your disposal is humming but not chopping anything up, before you call a plumber, try a quick fix.

Things You'll Need

  • Broom
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      Turn off the breaker to the garbage disposal.

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      Clean out any debris in the sink and down the drain. Use care when reaching into the drain because it could contain sharp utensils or broken glass.

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      Stick the end of the broom handle down into the disposal and try to turn the disposal blades. You may have to twist back and forth, but this should free any loose debris. When you feel the blades turning again, remove the broom handle.

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      Turn the breaker back on, run some water and turn the disposal on. It should be running freely. If not, repeat the process.