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Trash Compactor Alternatives

A trash compactor is designed to take your waste and compress it. The sleek look makes the appliance appear much like a mini dishwasher, with a variety of faceplates to match nearly any kitchen décor. But, is a compactor necessary? If you pay for your trash removal by volume, the answer may be yes. But, a trash compactor does not make the waste weigh any less. There are alternatives to the costly appliance.
  1. Stomp Method

    • Instead of seeking out a machine to do the work, old-fashioned human power may work just as well. To compact your trash, try smashing the waste down with your own hand or foot. A flattened cardboard box or tossed piece of aluminum foil can work as barriers, preventing you from getting dirty. Simply layer the top of the waste with the box or foil, and stomp. By using your own force, you can compress the garbage into its receptacle, removing any air pockets. This will force the trash to take up less volume without the use of a machine.

    Reuse Bags

    • According to the Sierra Club Green Home website, another great idea is to simply reuse old grocery bags for your trash. Instead of disposing of the paper or plastic bags, reuse them in an ordinary trash bin for a lining. Tie up the small bag or fold over the paper bag's top to keep your trash contained. These small containers will be a positive reminder to keep the trash compact.


    • The Sierra Club also suggests reducing waste through basic methods of reduce, reuse and recycle. Trash volume can be minimal if you sort your waste and remove some of the quantity. The site suggests reducing use of products like paper napkins, and instead try washable cloth. Do not buy products with excessive packaging. Place any item that may be recycled in your municipality out of the regular trash. These tips will keep the quantity of waste down.


    • Food waste does not have to go into your trash. Instead of buying a compactor, try composting all food scraps and yard clippings. Creating a compost pile can help to provide nutrients for the trees and plants in your yard. Keep a separate, reusable plastic bin for such waste. It is best to have a container with a lid, as the decomposing waste will have an unpleasant odor.