Home Garden

Garbage Disposals & Septic Systems

Garbage disposals are an easy and convenient way to get rid of soft leftover food. However, if your house is connected to a septic system it is important to understand how a garbage disposal will impact a septic system. With care and maintenance it is possible to have the benefits of a garbage disposal and a well functioning septic system.
  1. Homeowner Responsibility

    • The effectiveness of a septic system is the responsibility of the homeowner. This means that the homeowner must take care when adding any appliances that will increase the burden on the septic system so that the system will not be overwhelmed. Garbage disposals increase the amount of material being processed through the septic tank which may result in the tank needing to be pumped more often. A septic tank should be pumped every five years and is done at the expense of the homeowner. With the addition of a garbage disposal the frequency of pumping may need to be increased.


    • Garbage disposals increase the amount of solids that go through the septic tank. Often times these solids will settle to the bottom of the tank and turn into what is known as sludge. To reduce the speed at which sludge develops bacterial chemicals can be added to the septic system. The bacteria in these additives feed on the sludge in the septic system creating an aerobic reaction that assists in the removal of solids from the system. These additives can be very useful when using a garbage disposal with a septic system.

    Larger Tanks May Help

    • Due to the added solids that a garbage disposal adds to a septic system it is wise to have a larger than normal tank installed that can handle the extra solids. This is easiest to accomplish with new construction. If a 1,000-gallon tank would be sufficient without a garbage disposal installed then a minimum of a 1,500 gallon tank should be used with a garbage disposal.

    Using Filters

    • Installing an effluent filter on the septic tank will prevent solids being swept through the septic tank and into the drain field. If a garbage disposal is not used correctly is guaranteed that solids will move through the lines and into the septic tank. Light pieces of solids such as potato peelings can easily float on top of the liquids and continue through to the drain field. When solids enter the drain field it stops the proper flow of the waste fluids which causes backup problems. This is a major cause of septic system failures.

    Bottom Line

    • A septic system without a garbage disposal attached is easier to maintain. However, it is possible to use a garbage disposal with a septic system. Homeowners must take time and precautions to prevent serious complications from occurring by pumping the septic system regularly, installing filters, and adding chemicals to assist with the breakdown with solids in the system.