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How to Recycle Metal Halide Bulbs

Metal halide bulbs provide high-intensity, energy-efficient light. However, they must be recycled properly because they contain mercury, an element toxic to humans and the environment. In humans, exposure to high-levels of mercury causes brain and kidney damage as well as renal and gastrointestinal damage if ingested. Small amounts of mercury exposure to infants and fetuses can cause harm to neurological development. Mercury leaking into the environment is concentrated through the food chain, causing harmful side-effects to the organisms and to the humans that consume them. Some states do not require individuals to recycle metal halide bulbs; regardless, metal halide bulbs should be disposed of properly to reduce these toxic effects.


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      Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Web page regarding mercury-containing light bulb recycling (see Resources).

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      Click on the underlined blue link "Where you live." This will bring you to an interactive map of the United States.

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      Click on the state in which you live. The next page will be a list of all the states in your "recycling region". For example, if you click on "Minnesota," the next page will display links, by alphabetical state headings, for the list of hazardous waste recycling centers in region 5.

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      Scroll down to your state and click on the link to display all the recycling programs in your state. For example, under Minnesota you would click on the link "Local Hazardous Waste Collection Programs."

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      Locate the nearest recycle center to your home and deposit the metal halide bulbs at the center.