Home Garden

Are Garbage Disposals Environmentally Friendly?

A staple of the modern kitchen, garbage disposals have become standard for a majority of homes, but their use brings up their environmental impact and the alternative to flipping on the power switch.
  1. Considerations

    • Garbage disposals are unfriendly to the environment mainly because of the excess food waste that is pushed out to water treatment plants, states Everyday Health. The energy required for the treatment plant to clean the water is much more than if the food waste was not involved, says Planet Green.

    Green Ideas

    • Composting what normally is placed down the garbage disposal is a good start in becoming environmentally smart. Planet Green suggests using the compost to fertilize a garden full of fruits and vegetables. Another suggestion is to feed the excess food to pets or farm animals.

    Interesting Fact

    • Fat-filled and oily foods should not be placed down the garbage disposal, says Planet Green. Placing it in the trash is the best choice.