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What Does Rinse Aid Do for Dishwashers?

Washing dishes with a dishwasher should save you time and effort. If your dishwasher fails to rinse dishes properly and you find residue or streaks remaining on the dishes after wash cycles conclude, a rinse aid may improve washing results. The simple addition of this product works with the dishwasher to produce spotlessly clean dishes, glasses and silverware.
  1. Dishwasher Basics

    • When you start a dishwasher, the beginning of the cycle involves cold water filling the reservoir at the bottom of the unit. When the water reaches the proper point, filling stops and a heating coil begins to heat the water to a precise temperature set by the dishwasher. After the water warms to the proper temperature, pumps begin moving the water through the arms below the bottom and top racks. The force of the water moves the arms, which sprays water forcefully over dishes. The cycles of the dishwasher include an initial spray to get the dishes wet and remove loose food particles, a wash cycle during which soap releases and a rinse cycle. Some programmable cycles may include multiple washes and rinses.

    Rinse Aids

    • Some dishwasher detergents have a formulation that includes a rinse aid. If a detergent does not include a rinse aid, use a separate rinse-aid product to fill the receptacle in the dishwasher. Separate rinse aids are liquid products that fill a receptacle in the door of the dishwasher. When the dishwasher reaches the last rinse of the entire wash cycle, a sensor releases a small amount of rinse-aid into the hot rinse water.

    Rinse-Aid Ingredients

    • Rinse aids contain ingredients that make water drain evenly off dishes instead of allowing water to dry on the dishes with spots, blotches or an unsightly film. Rinse aids often contain citric acid because it has a pleasant scent and because it makes glasses shiny. Acrylic acid polymers and ethanol dissolve hard water and help make the water evaporate evenly over the surfaces of the dishes and glasses to reduce spots and film.

    How to Fill the Dispenser

    • Monitor the rinse-aid receptacle daily by checking the indicator. When the indicator shows the rinse-aid level at the “add” line, add more rinse aid. Open the dishwasher door completely, turn the knob of the dispenser to the open position and remove the knob. Pour rinse aid slowly into the open receptacle, watching the fill indicator closely as you pour. Stop pouring rinse-aid when the fill indicator reaches the “full” mark and replace the knob in the dispenser tightly. Do not fill the receptacle past the “full” mark. Although you can continue to use the dishwasher without rinse aid, you may notice that your dishes, glasses and silverware develop spots from the water drying over the surfaces instead of rinsing away cleanly.