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My Dishwasher is Stuck in a Cycle

When they work correctly, dishwashers are the unsung heroes of the house. When they do not function properly, they can be a homeowner's worst headache. A dishwasher that gets stuck on a certain cycle may force you to handwash many more dishes, which can disrupt the routine of the household. The key in solving the problem is acting quickly, because what is causing the malfunction may lead to larger problems if not addressed.
  1. Reset the Dishwasher

    • One of your best bets when a dishwasher is stuck in a cycle is to turn it off and unplug it for a few moments. This will give it a chance to reset. Plug it back in and turn it on. If possible, return to the cycle that the dishwasher got stuck on. Check the manual that came with the unit for specific instructions on resetting the dishwasher.

    Check The Dishes

    • Dishes, at times, move when they are in the dishwasher. When this occurs, those dishes may block the movable parts, throwing the dishwasher out of whack. As a result, it may get stuck on that particular cycle. To fix the problem, turn off the unit and wait a few moments for the dishwasher to completely shut down. Open the door and adjust the dishes accordingly.

    Check The Drainage

    • Big globs and chunks of food can get trapped in the dishwasher's drainage system. When this occurs, the dishwasher may become confused because its sensor is telling it that it is still full of water while the timer is telling it to move on to the next step. To fix the problem, turn off the unit and wait a few moments for the dishwasher to completely shut down. Open the door and, with a long utensil, reach down inside the drainage system to dislodge the food.

    Check Buttons

    • The buttons and levers on a dishwasher can get stuck in the down possession. This happens because of being touched by dirty hands and a build up of moisture. Make sure all of the buttons and levers are in the correct position. If not, press them down again so they become loose.