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Why Do You Need Insulation Around a Dishwasher?

Insulation around the dishwasher is very practical. Like the insulation in the walls of your house, it helps prevent the transmission of energy you want to constrain -- including sound, heat and kinetic energy. Around a dishwasher, insulation helps to make the appliance much easier to live with. An uninsulated dishwasher is loud, disruptive and potentially more costly than an insulated one.
  1. Noise

    • The main reason you need insulation around a dishwasher is to dampen the noise that the unit produces. Dishwashers are often very noisy, especially older models. If you don't have insulation around the unit, the vibrations created by the dishwasher will travel right through the cabinets and into the air of your home. Both the action of the motor and the sound created by the agitating water are quite loud, but insulation will dampen the effect in the house.


    • In addition to the sound waves, a dishwasher emits a significant amount of vibration. This can cause additional external noises. For example, a dishwasher mounted in a cabinet underneath cabinets where dishes are stored could easily rattle those dishes, adding to the general noisiness of operation. The insulation absorbs physical vibrations as well as the sound waves that emanate from the appliance.


    • Installing insulation between your dishwasher and the enclosure becomes even more important if your refrigerator is near to the dishwasher. According to the California Energy Commission's Consumer Energy Center, you will waste energy if you put an uninsulated dishwasher next to a fridge. The heat generated when washing dishes makes the fridge have to consume more energy to keep your food at a consistently cool temperature.

    Included Insulation

    • Many dishwashers come with insulation already surrounding the unit itself. Usually, this insulation appears as a thick blanket that pads all of the sides of the dishwasher except the front. This insulates it from the surrounding cabinets. You may decide, though, that the sound and vibration reduction offered by the blankets isn't adequate. If that is the case, add further blanket insulation into the cavity if there's enough room.